All about Reseller Business, PLR, Resale Rights, Master Rights, website creation, domain name selection, web host selection, displaying, packaging and distributing resale products
Are you convinced that creating your own info-products is the way to go with your online business?
Do you keep running out of time with product creation?
Maybe you can hire a ghostwriter to assist you. It's something to think seriously about.
Just because you're busy doing other things - this doesn't mean your online business has to suffer - or not get going at all.
If you've got great info-product ideas, but a busy lifestyle, this shouldn't prevent you from getting your great ideas out to others. A ghostwriter may be able to help you complete your products, and many ghostwriters are quite flexible where information development is concerned. The main thing is that if you don't like where the ghostwriter ends up, ask for an edit, make changes. Work closely with the ghostwriter so that he/she knows what you expect.
There will probably be a 'revision' process, but that's okay - it will iron out 'the bugs' and make your information products better. The ghostwriter will still use YOUR ideas...and you have the final say on the product.
Here's a 'hobby' lens I created about a show I love to watch on TV.
It's my "Heroes" Lens (Heroes, created by Tim Kring, aired on NBC TV Monday nights)
(that's right, put your pointer on the squid-eye and press - don't worry, he's a tough li'l guy)
The best part - Squidoo is FUN!
I got to blog about a great show that I have a good time watching and chatting about, and also - I was able to integrate my Amazon, Adsense, CafePress, and other affiliate 'store' IDs so that I get paid when people purchase Heroes-related items from my Squid-Lens...PLUS - I am also promoting a Social Site that I'm earning money from!
How great is that?
As you've noticed, there's been a 'lag' in my posting recently. Admittedly, before coming to post about Squidoo, I hadn't posted on my Reseller blog since early September.
I started University classes again this September and hit the books hard - so I wanted something to do to keep earning money - but I WANTED TO HAVE FUN with promoting, and still be able to keep up on studying - so I headed over to Squidoo!
Working with the Squidoo software and format is sooooooooo EASY - it's been a great stress relief to just blog about FUN STUFF, so I hope you'll take the hint and head on over to grab your own free account at Squidoo and HAVE SOME FUN, too, while you earn!
Now that I'm in more-or-less, a 'routine' with my studies under control, I'll be back to post more at blogger. I'm still DEFINITELY working with resell products - I just took a li'l break here and also did a 'test' project with Squidoo that turned out much, MUCH better than I ever expected!
Go grab yourself some Squid! You'll acquire a taste for it really quickly - TRUST ME!
My new website should be functional by September 15, but if you need to contact me before then, drop me a line through the Yuwie Social Site.
Just log in, look for 'teeray' and send me a message. I'll respond as soon as possible.
If you're not a member at Yuwie yet, don't worry, membership is FREE. The site is really easy to get around in, and sending messages is a simple task, as well. If you can manage emails, you'll have no troubles sending messages through the Yuwie site.
Yuwie also pays members for interacting at the site, so it's more than just a site for messaging friends. It's a great place to network, learn about online business, and BEST OF ALL, it's NEW - with New members who are all working to help each other out and earn money.
Along with distributing Resale Items in various ways, blogging can be a lucrative way to bring in money, particularly if you team up with sites that pay YOU for advertising on your blog. That is what the above link is about.
The following banner says it all (in a Google-friendly way):
* Build a BUZZ about your blog * Build legitimate links to your blog
The people who choose to use your blog for advertising will naturally and definitely be linking to your blog. They want THEIR readers and clients to be seeing OTHER sites and blogs that talk about their products, services, and items, so you are guaranteed to get links and traffic back to your blog.
I am using 'alternative' context ads and materials on this particular blog. I call anything other than 'Google' types of ads 'alternative,' just to keep things simple because, frankly, Google is WAY AT THE TOP of the advertizing field, but there are several legitimate and useful sites/companies on Google's tail. Too many to count, so I just use the term 'alternative.'
In this post, I'm introducing you to the 'Blogsvertize' site, but I also want to give a tip to those considering using Google-based ads on their sites and blogs.
Google DOES NOT LIKE 'coaxed clicking' on any pages where their advertising sits. This is why I posted the banner above. It says all it needs to say, without the common words 'Click Here To Find Out' or 'Click To Visit Our Site' or simply 'Click Here.'
Money Making opportunities online are getting better and better.
They really are - however - many Money Making systems are very COMPLICATED online. They utilize multiple income stream business models - which means they are complicated for the newer or even average users.
Luckily, many systems are making it easier and easier for people to use their 'promotional tools.' This includes giving people attractive banners that are ready-made. Then, all that people have to do is simply copy and paste to their website or blog.
Unfortunately, you have to carefully select some of the banners you will use, particularly if you are incorporating Google Adsense and Google-related context ads on your website or blog. You can't select the banners that say 'Click here' on your sites or blogs that use Google ad forms.
The banner above, in this post, is an example of a 'safe' one to use if you've turned your blog or site into a Google-friendly site. If you look in my left-hand sidebar, you'll see another Blogsvertise banner that IS NOT suggested for use on a site or blog that you've decided to put Google context ads onto.
The obvious difference:
* My side-bar Blogsvertise banner (with the female) says 'Click Here' * The in-post Blogsvertize banner (above, with the male) does NOT say 'click here.'
Blogsvertise gave me the following TEXT ref-link to use for promotion: Click Here to Advertise on My Blog But I changed the TEXT area to say 'You Can Advertise on My Blog.'
Blogsvertise has some other text links that don't have the word 'click' in them, but I wanted to show that you usually have some control over text links. MAKE SURE that if you're using Google context ads, you check the text that will be displayed in ready-made promo-links that affiliate sites make for you to use.
If you're building a Reseller Business, then you're probably blogging about your products and looking for ways to generate traffic to your blogs or websites. You're probably writing articles from time to time and leading your article readers back to your blog so that they can check out what new products and items you're offering.
If you're looking to gain more income streams, you will incorporate things like 'Context Ads' onto your sites and blogs so that you can also be paid when people visit your blog or website. You ought to also find opportunities like Blogsvertise that will help you gain more links back to your site or blog.
Backlinks are important because they direct some Internet traffic (web visitors) your way. They also start to help build your 'authority' on the web.
If you get involved with Blogsvertise and gain a number of legitimate 'tasks' from Blogsvertise, people will know that the Blogsvertise ad and promotion company saw YOUR BLOG as a blog worth advertising on. People aren't going to select your blog through Blogsvertise if they don't believe it is receiving visitors or is a decent blog with a writer who has some authority on the blog topics he or she is posting about.
See how multiple income streams are just programs that work together, WHILE YOU ARE WORKING on your main focus - being a reseller?
See how all these things can be put together for your benefit?
* Beware of the 'click here' demon-words that Google hates!
Okay, someone emailed me recently and gave me a real chewing out and this gave me some REAL INSIGHT about what is going on in the world of online marketing.
Well - not insight about EVERYTHING, of course, but some VALUABLE insight about what many people are probably thinking about RESELLING, Resell products, etc.
Here's what happened...
Someone contacted me about some products I'm offering, saying that THEY ARE VERY OLD. I was chewed out for promoting OLD products that everyone already has. Apparently the 'market' is 'saturated' with the products already.
My defense: #1. The person responded to a very old post from over 6mo ago #2. So what?
The person checked out an offer from a post that was made several months ago and then freaked out about the products offered on that post being old.
Can I roll my eyes here for a minute? If not, then I will after this next part, because "#2. So What?" is a firm stance and firm reaction to the next part of what this same person emailed me about.
I am only saying 'So What?' because I am still in shock about the attitude of this person, and admittedly, I'm still a little shook up from the thrice back-and-forth interactions. I don't know what I would have done if this person had confronted me face-to-face (probably something worse than saying 'So What?').
Okay - I'm beating around the bush here. I will tell you 'the nature' of the interactions, but will keep the person's anonymity and EXACT STATMENTS to myself (because if I post some statements, readers will probably FIND THIS PERSON in the forums, even though the Internet has hundreds of thousands of forums and millions of internet users).
The nature of it all, in my perception is that this individual expects to literally DO ABSOLUTELY NO WORK at all. The person expects to find products and re-sell them exactly as they appear, circulate completely pre-written promo-materials, and become rich just from free and cheap materials.
This person has missed the fact that PLR and Resale products are specifically geared for EDITING - or - if explicitly stated, non-edit form before they are re-dispersed. This is why every Private Label or Resale product is supposed to be accompanied by a file telling you specifically what you can or cannot do with the product you purchased, were given, earned, etc.
I couldn't believe my eyes when I opened email and found such abusive statements about my 'integrity' as a reseller, etc.
Anyhow - I will go and calm down soon because I am less generally 'upset' as I type this and become more 'furious,' as I proceed.
Needless to say, I am going to 'EDIT' some reseller products - in the same way I always have, because I have understood that this is part of the Reselling business. I have to check every file (Info-products) that I purchase for re-sale, to make sure that information is reasonable, current, and valid. I have been quite sure all along that this is what being a reseller is all about. Making sure that GARBAGE information products don't go out under my name.
I have some older products that I am placing updated information in because YES they are OLD. The marketing information in them is basic and valid still, however, some of the multiple-products offered in the 'viral ebooks' that I'm working with have been discontinued, so I will substitute 'valid, new' products into these areas of the ebook.
This is how reselling, editing, and viral marketing works.
Not the way that my 'enraged' reader seemed to think when emailing me to take a bit out of my hide!
How many other people are convinced that they have absolutely NO WORK to do in order to be a Reseller?
Now here's a site that is quite impressive. Though no bells and whistles are present, the site is neat and tidy, easy to navigate! What impressed me more than anything on this site is that the Discount Click Online Marketing Services people have actually put up a really informative website.
A great number of internet sites that offer services similar to Discount Click will just have a mainpage with information inside a members area, only available AFTER YOU SIGN UP! Not at Discount Click. They have several pages open to the general public, explaining their site, services, and package deals. This is great because it allows potential clients to really get a good look around and make an informed decision about using services or interacting with the Discount Click website.
Discount Click Online Marketing Services include a package for just $50. That's really affordable for the detail they're willing to extend to the client's online project!
Discount Click will help you with link popularity and link-building, keyword tracking and management, site statistics and traffic tracking and management and help you build a tailored link building campaign for your website!
The site offers the following information before you decide to join:
You certainly won't have too much guesswork or too many surprises to worry about once you decide to fill out the membership form/sign up form at this site. You should be able to just sign up and start interacting with the Discount Click staff and get to work on your own project, which is what you want Discount Click services for, anyway!
=============================== Dclick Ads - A Promising New Site (Site Review) =============================== (links open in new window)
Don't let the plain format of the Dclick Ads website throw you off. There are a lot of things going on at this site. In other words, there are a LOT of options for Advertisers and Webmasters at the Dclick Ads Website .
For Advertisers:
Banner, text link and highly targetted embedded text ad zones available for purchase. These ads, placed with DirectLink technology. This provides optimal click-through results and maximum ad performance. Set costs, no bidding or auction uncertainties. Reduce click fraud by weekly or monthly interval ad purchases. You can buy ads across a category span or purchase for individual sites, so Dclick Ads is quite a bit more flexible than some other sites and ad programs.
For Webmasters:
Just register, confirm and log in. Set up your profiles. Install publisher software. Set your site adzones and that's as easy as it gets.
Follow that pattern and start earning right away.
Sound easy?
It is!
Best of all - it's FREE to join.
You can display your publisher profile. Display your ad zone inventory and wait for an advertiser to purchase one of your zones.
* Maximize your Ad Revenue Potential * Set your own prices * Relax, knowing that Dclick Ads utilizes one of the best, most modern ad distribution systems currently on the net.
Check out the Dclick Ads Website Webmasters: Increase your Advertising Revenue Publishers: Increase Traffic and Clicks
Check out these great text, banner, and embedded ads!
I know this is off-topic, but heck - There's a Contest going on!
Fox TV and Opera (browser) got together to hold this Simpsons Movie Contest. It's a short one, too, so this is kind of exciting. The Contest is running from July 13th to July 27th, so you've still got 7 days to get your entry in for the contest.
Are you on a strictbudget, but still want to start earning money online as soon as possible? Are you just not quite able (yet) to buy products for reselling?
Hey - that's okay. Most people who get into this business have concerns about putting out money for a business that they're unfamiliar with or they get a little caught behind in technical details, at first. For some, setting up their payment processors and other things online simply takes a while but people are anxious to get started anyway.
Whatever the case - seriously - it's okay.
Now - I know that Liz Tomey and John Hostler push out a few brutal statements in their Resell Rights For Newbies material that I keep bringing up on this blog. I know that they say that certain software is a MUST HAVE and that you have to break down and just GO BUY IT! You know - get your head out of your - hood - and just make a few small purchases because it's an 'investment in your business.'
Liz and John are, in fact, telling the truth. What they've said is BEST and EASIEST.
But that doesn't mean that everyone is ready or able to do this immediately. It doesn't mean that it IS POSSIBLE to buy Adobe software products (for product creation), Winzip (to manage files), and other things - if you simply can't do this right away today. Luckily, Liz and John are right, without dispute, in saying that once you purchase a few items - like Adobe and Winzip, you only have to do this once.
I know that some people are completely new to this online biz stuff and are still figuring out how to set up payment processor accounts, get the funds legitimately to their accounts, research hosting, domains, products, etc, and they just can't make a purchase today.
So here is a free item of high quality that will allow you to get started TODAY, making an info-product, eBook or report of your own so that you can have your own product to resell right away.
Leave a message at the 'comments' link, including your email - if you'd like me to review your new product for free. I'll give you an honest opinion and any help that I can with it before you start selling it. If it's a super piece of work, I'll also 'Review' it publicly right here on the blog. No strings.
Resell items are easy to promote, and though you should have your own website to do so, some people aren't able to get their site up and running for a little while. Here is something that is easily promoted through blogs and will also teach you how to EARN MONEY FROM BLOGGING while you are busy learning how to set up your website.
Super-Blogging is something you can add to whatever methods you're using to promote your Reseller Business. Add it to your website, too, as soon as you can.
I realize that a lot of readers of this blog are 'newbies,' and may not have been able to get 'up and running yet' with their reseller website - however - by using Super-Blogging, people can start earning right away and have the added BONUS of having an extra way to make money online - in conjunction WITH the reseller site they're working on right now.
Resell Rights Mastery is a site that provides a great opportunity to learn more about and start off a Reseller's Business online.
You'll have access to more really great products as well as training information from people like Dirk Dupon and Jimmy D. Brown - plus you can turn around and offer the same great training and information to other people!
There's a report available on-site from Dirk Dupon called,
"How to Succeed with your own Blog."
There are more Liz Tomey products, too, like "Podcast Assistant In a Box."
Lately, Liz has been putting out fantastic 'in a box' programs. She's no dummy - she puts in everything that beginners need in order to start earning money FAST!
There are helpful kinds of software available when you get involved with Resell Rights Mastery - including video information that you can learn from as well as offer to others.
Information about List Building, Viral Marketing, Keywords and Content, Hot Niche Booklets, even Offline methods to use that help with your Online business. Of course, there's information about eBay, too - and a really cool 'Encylopedia of Free Advertising' that has a TON of excellent tips inside - not to mention FREE STUFF!
Check out Resell Rights Mastery
Leave some comments and let me know how Resell Rights Mastery compares to the Resell programs you're using now.
Have you got your Reseller site up and running yet?
If you have, you may be looking for some affordable advertising online ...which is exactly what Text Link Ads gives you - along with other money earning potential!
The Text Link Ads is for both Advertisers AND Publishers!
So - even if you haven't got a Reseller Website all the way up and running online, you can still open a publisher account and put Text Link Ads up on your blog! You can start earning right away.
How cool is that??
Here are a few more of the coloured graphic banners that Text Link Ads has for you to help you with promotion:
There are VERTICAL ads all made up for you, too - so promoting Text Link Ads is really easy!
Text Free Ads even has a tracker so you can keep an eye on where your money is being made and where people are clicking from.
Here are two other 'styles' of banners you can use: and
And those come in all the other sizes that those graphic banners above use, too!
So, really there are well over 15 ready-made kinds of banners for you to just plaster all over the place and earn money from!
And that's just if people decide to also join Text Link Ads when you display the banners.
Don't forget about both the Advertiser and Publisher accounts available. You can make a LOT MORE money with THOSE. Of course, dollar amounts and such will vary because you will have to set prices as an advertiser, etc., but heck - why not give yourself SEVERAL WAYS to earn money...all from setting up advertising on your sites, blogs and Reseller Sites!?
Check out Text Link Ads and take advantage of the Free $100 in advertising that is being offered!
I can't believe it - I have been promoting Liz Tomey and John Hostler's RESELL RIGHTS FOR NEWBIES program now for almost 6 months now and it is still FREE!
I thought FOR SURE that they would start charging for this information within a couple of months, but they're still allowing people to grab their videos on web-site building, web-host and web domain info, product creation, web-page making, download pages, order pages, uploading products to your website, ensuring that you're paid, and a whole bunch of other stuff - FREE!
I think that maybe once they got working on some other products, they forgot about the Resell Rights For Newbies program being free...I think they forgot to start charging people, but I'm not sure...They've got some other great programs on the go, like the "My Seven Figures" program and "Instant PLR Cash"! Maybe those programs are taking up more of their time now...
Anyhow - if you haven't accessed the Resell Rights For Newbies program yet, you're really missing out! You could follow the 24 quick-start directions from the Resell Rights For Newbies program and have a Reseller Website up and running within a day!
Now - this big block banner I'm going to post below says that the program is a $97 value for free...
I say that the $97 value is totally DEBATABLE - because I have never seen this much information available for $97 before - seriously!
I have seen some text-file information - lessons detailing how to set up a website...for about $67-$99 but with NO VIDEO help in the package...
I have seen Video Instruction on how to upload files to your website - for about $87
I have seen ebook downloads available for about $47 apeice each in individual areas of 'how to select a web host' 'how to select the right domain name for your products' 'how to operate your ftp software' 'how to make an attractive squeeze page' 'how to build an order page' 'how to build a list' and other individual concerns.
In short - I have never even seen all of this kind of information all together in one place for the price of $97 dollars at all.
So I think it's still really amazing that the Resell Rights For Newbies program is still being offered for FREE! It should be valued at WAY MORE than a $97 value!
Free $397.00 Value
Resell Rights For Newbies
Get The ENTIRE Resell Rights For Newbies System Course Absolutely FREE "No Strings Attached"
Claim Your Resell Rights For Newbies System Package A $97 value.
I have decided to display the US and Canada "Code Amber Alert" tickers on my blog - just because I believe that the more places they are viewed, the more help they can offer. Even though these have nothing to do with Reselling, Marketing or anything business-wise online, I think that they deserve to be displayed. Just the fact that they are NOT related to the typical content on this blog - might give rise to someone thinking about or seeing the alerts - whereas they wouldn't otherwise if a person is simply looking for online business information.
Here are some banners that you can also display on your blog or website if you, too, are interested in allowing the Code Amber Alert project to gain more visibility:
The 'tickers' for the USA and Canada Code Amber Alert systems will remain on this blog in the left-hand column. Please check over to your left from time to time. You may read something in the ticker that will allow you to help someone else.
Here's the BEST THING I have seen in Internet Marketing and in the Reseller Industry in the past 24 months!
I'll try to be objective with my review here so that you can make a sound decision about the products and services you'll use for your business, as well as the type of business you'll start online.
Now I do make money by marketing products online as an affiliate, but I only endorse them if they meet or exceed their stated values.
So how does this relate to you?
Well, it means that I take an in-depth look at Internet marketing products on the market and I share my objective findings with you so then you can make an informed decision.
Liz and John's ‘Resell Rights For Newbies’is a really excellent program, even though it is a little different than what you're used to seeing online from accomplished Internet Marketers.
‘Resell Rights For Newbies’is actually a complete system designed to teach new marketers how to start and build their own Internet business from scratch, using resell rights products.
The reason the system is built around resell rights products is because of their low barrier to entry.
Low barrier to entry simply means that you could quickly and easily secure resell rights products and turn them over for profits.
You avoid the pitfalls of product creation, yet enjoy the rewards as if they were your own... most importantly keeping all the profits for yourself.
Now with that said, this does not mean that if you run out and purchase a 20 pack of resell rights products that you will make thousands the very next day.
And that’s why most programs fall short...they sell the sizzle and not the steak. They tell you that by purchasing resell rights products you are sure to make money.
You see, it's still a business and must be treated as such.
In order to be successful with Resell Rights products you need to:
• know where to find quality products that aren't being marketed by everyone under the sun • know how to set up a web site to market those products • have the marketing tricks up your sleeve to be able to move the products • know how to drive traffic to your web site
This is a complete system for profits with resell rights products.
It is a step by step program that covers the 4 crucial components above by way of video tutorials, ebooks, and a web based tool kit.
The 12 video tutorials, are straight to-the-point, no-nonsense learning tools that will teach you everything you need to know about getting, creating, and starting your own web site and finding quality resell rights products to sell.
The 3 info packed PDF’s are filled with valuable information about marketing methods and strategies for selling your new resell rights products.
And the ’24 Hour Plan’ PDF was designed to have you making sales and your first profits within 24 hours...
Liz and John really went to town with‘Resell Rights For Newbies’ and have put out a quality system that anyone can follow, regardless of experience level.
It’s no fluff and because it’s been done in multimedia, the program accommodates people with all different types of learning styles.
Oh, and if you’re feeling weary because you’ve heard it all before...well, Liz and John have done the unthinkable and made this available for FREE for a limited time.
The bottom line on ‘Resell Rights For Newbies’ is that it’s a weapon you should put in your marketing arsenal...and quickly.
I mentioned 'Private Label Rights' in a previous post - remember, the 'Grand Daddy' of reseller items?? !!
Private Label Rights are very HOT lately.
The reason why they're HOT is because they WORK to earn you money!
Private Label Rights can often be acquired inexpensively - and you can turn around and make a PROFIT with them FAST!
PLR or Private Label Rights are all about endless possibilities. These possibilities are about being able to acquire PLR products and modify, change or alter them in almost any way that fits your purpose!
For Example: If you acquire a PLR item like 'An Article,' then you can change the title of the article to a better one that suits your purposes. You can remove the personalized details of the original and put in your own information links - lead readers to YOUR SITE, YOUR BLOG - YOUR OTHER PRODUCTS!!! You can add bits of information to the article which help your cause or display your other products or services, use the article in a newsletter, eZine or other kind of e-info display. You could use the PLR product in every one of those all at the same time and increase the VISIBILITY of your person, other products, services and information.
If you really use your imagination, there are a whole lot of other things you'll be able to come up with to make PLR products work for you and earn you A LOT OF MONEY!
The phenomenon of "PLR" only appeared to the public in late 2005 but many people are already making money staggering amounts of money from it. People just can not help but talk about how beneficial it is to use private label rights.
Benefits of Buying Private Label Rights This phenomenon has an appeal that cannot be undermined. To date, the potential of PLR is still highly underestimated, too! The private labeling favors the buyers so much, its INCREDIBLE!
Imagine earning TONS of profit- minus - the rigorous work involved in coming up with each and every product on your own.
Here are some other desirable benefits you can enjoy with PLR:
1. By owning a product, including its private label rights, you can easily have product or web site content to call your very own. Private label products can easily be purchased and modified then claimed as your property or item for further re-sale. In just a simple transaction, you get something to start with in your internet business. Furthermore, most private label products are already prepared and structured to properly target the niche they sell best in. I don't think that anyone can find a better kind of product to start up an online business with - minimal work, maximum profits - and you're in control of prices (therefore in more control of your earnings because you don't have to share with anyone).
2. Buying private label products is relatively cheaper than purchasing original materials.
With the onset of the copyright regime nowadays, you cannot simply re-disperse most digital products that you acquire from online sources. PLR products are the great exception, as they are specifically designed for re-selling and re-dispersal - hopefully at a rapid rate, as well. If you purchase a regular copyrighted product, you only the license to use/enjoy the product yourself. Any intent to resell a copyrighted product without gaining authorization from the original author/producer is highly illegal. Thus, the possibility of profit from these regular products is out of the picture.
Private label rights are the great solution to this dilemma. You buy the PLR product of package, you get USE OF (get to enjoy) the product - plus - you get to sell it again and profit from it - without losing the use of the original product for yourself.
3. Business life is even easier when working with PLR products.
Ordinarily, it takes a lot of research and business knowledge - and usually quite a lot of technical skill - to create your own products, test the market for what consumers want, design products that will sell or that will attract your target niche, develop content, etc...(the list goes on). Most people simply COULD NOT begin to earn money online without the use of ready-made PLR products! It can also be very expensive to hire the services of another person to provide you with a good product or content
4. A quality Private Label Product will definitely give you a good reputation online in the world of Internet Marketing and in the Resale community. Sometimes all it takes to gain a great reputation is a single high-quality product. It is important that you acquire GOOD, QUALITY products as you really do have to gain the trust of your clients - even if it is an online biz that you decide to engage in. You'll want to please your customers with the best products you can find so that they will not hesitate to purchase again from you.
5. ProfitsYour private label product will definitely give you the edge to earn more profits online. Sell it. Advertise through the products you sell. Provide your links and contact information in the products you sell. Modify the product and make it useful both online and offline. A single purchase can actually give you several other commodities to sell. Use your imagination! Providing top-notch services and quality products to your target niche will rake in the profits to your business, especially if you can maximize the number of different uses you can squeeze out of each and every PLR item that you have on hand.
Believe in the wonders that PLR products can turn out for you. Again- the possibilities are endless...PLR is just barely TAKING OFF and FLYING online! Give it your best shot - and before you know it, you could be reaping the benefits of the PLR industry.
===================================================================== Gain Instant Access To Top Quality Private Label Rights Articles, eBooks, Software For Free!
This will make your resellers' lives much easier, and make your resell rights package a lot more valuable to your resellers and customers.
If you are sure to include more than one sales letter, your resellers will have many choices about what salesletters they use. If your resellers decide to write their own sales letter, they might be able to use the multiple offered letters in your package to help them along. They can also mix and match parts of different letters. This will give more exposure for your products. Your name will get spread and your products will gain in popularity by having a variety of sales letters.
- Test the sales letter’s conversion rate before conveying the Resell Rights to your product.
Improve your sales letter until no further improvement can be made. Once the product and the Reseller Materials are delivered to your customer, you can’t change or improve anything anymore - so be sure you're giving your resellers a quality product package the first time around!
- Include testimonials whenever possible into your sales letter.
Most Resell Right product authors often overlook the importance of 'testimonials' while composing their salesletter. You responsible for BOTH yourself and your resellers. Your resellers are going to re-distribute your products, hopefully in a number of ways - to their own networks. Make sure you equip them to maximum extent with a great saleseletter including testimonials - so that your resellers don't have the extra work of gaining testimonials on their own.
NOTE: If you are selling private label resell rights, you don’t have to include testimonials.
- Get endorsements from top names for your salesletter.
Not only will your prospects be more eager to buy your products - but additionally, your resellers can more easily resell products heavily endorsed by known and respected people. Your resellers will find 'endorsed' products to be a special touch from you and will get to keep all the profits to themselves.
- Create a professional eCover for your digital product.
First impression really counts in online business! As a product creator, you have to provide a nice cover for your resellers, too.
To get a professional eCover for your eBook you cantalk to Max Rylski at
You can use your sample product to give to potential Joint Venture partners for review, give to your resellers for their own promotion and affiliate recruiting purposes, as a free gift for subscribing to your mailing list, and put it in E-book directories.
- You don’t have to create your own product, write your own sales letter or hire a graphic designer to do your graphics. Those things are usually taken care of by the Resell Rights product author who sells you the products.
- You keep 100% of the profit. This is better than being an affiliate. Affiliates typically get paid a commission - that is - only part of every sale they make.
- Buying resell rights to someone else’s product is the absolute fastest way to start your very own online business (you can be up and running in under 24 hours)
- You can buy as many resell rights as you want and set up as many businesses as you like, all with lightning speed! Can you imagine going from zero online businesses to 20 in a day? Well it’s quite possible if Resell Rights products are the ones you're working with!
Hiring a ghost writer is what many people do when they don’t have enough time or knowledge to write their own e-Book or to create their own product. Hiring a ghostwriter can be quite expensive, anywhere from $500 totens of thousands of dollars, so the decision to employ a ghostwriter will require some careful consideration.
One of the best places to find a ghost writer is by going to 1ClickCovers .com
Almost anyone could use this package to create their own professional graphics in very little time.
Basically, hiring a ghost writer will save you A LOT of effort and even time, however you'll have to invest some money to pay the ghostwriter. As well, you'll have to do some research to check out the qualifications and reputations of writers - and you'll still have a bit of work to do yourself.
- Resell rights are extremely HOT, especially where good, quality products are concerned. There are thousands of people who are interested in buying products to start their own businesses online with. Resell Rights products offer the greatest flexibility, ease of handling, easy of marketing and a great profit opportunity as compared with other products and services. Additionally, it is just a quirk of this particular type of business that resellers usually buy several products at a time, not just one sole product.
- Selling resale rights gives you the ability to have a high ticket item. Creating your own e-book and selling it to the end user can bring in 50 bucks asale. But if you start selling resell or private label rights to that same e-book you can get $97, $147 oreven $1,000 per sale - depending on the money-making potential of the product you are selling.
- You don’t need to create your own products in order to start selling resell rights. There are a whole bunch of different ways you can start selling resell rights without creating your own products.
- And of course, you will assisting your customers in a great way. Instead of teaching them 'only' how to do something, you'll actually be giving them a 'business' they can earn with right away! In essence, you're not just selling a product, you're selling a product-slash-business.
Selling resell rights is just like selling any other product online - in most cases. The only difference is that - for the most part - you can only target internet marketers. You don't have to see this as a 'limitation,' by the way - because the 'marketing' arena is a very profitable market!
To refresh your memory on how to market products on the internet...
- Endorse your product with Resell Rights to your mailing list.
If you have a huge and responsive subscriber base, you can earn your money within hours. Your results can be almost instantaneous.
- You can approach webmasters who specialize in selling ONLY products that come with Resell Rights.
You can sell the Master Resell Rights to your product to these types of webmasters at 5 to 10 times the price of your Basic Resell Rights or your product.
You can also approach Resell Rights membership site owners to put your product in their paid member’s area. In this - other resellers can use your product and resell.
Since you own your own Resell Rights product in your name, you can put your product for sale on Warrior’s Special Offer section at
You can either offer your product at a limited-time-discount - or else toss in exclusive bonuses to accompany your product. This is a good method of building an army of resellers in a shorter time span.
Convey Master Resell Rights to your product, where possible - as an added bonus for your customers. With the Master Rights, your customers can resell and keep all the profits.
This will also encourage them to resell to THEIR customers and so on. This is a perfect viral marketing method and helps you gain exposure as well as a good reputation as a Resell Rights product offer. People will learn your name faster through the viral marketing - plus - resellers will convey that you give a good deal in letting resellers keep the profits through Master Rights.
- To protect the quality of your product, set a minimum selling price for your product in your. Do this very plainly in your Resell Rights terms and conditions.
Setting a minimum selling price for your product will protect you, and your creaton as well as your resellers. It will be protection against desperate resellers offering your product at too cheap a price - where people might get the idea that your product is 'garbage' due to the low price (or at an auction site).
- In your Resell Rights Terms and Conditions, don’t allow your resellers to resell your product on auction sites such as
You want to prevent desperate resellers from under-cutting both you and other honest resellers in terms of pricing. Auction sites are known to be graveyards for Resell Rights products. Resell Rights products are devalued and cut down from their prime. You don't want to find your product there too soon!
- Be strict but reasonable in your Resell Rights terms and conditions.
Let your resellers know that while they can enjoy the income opportunity and potential that accompanies your creation/product, they will also have to follow the rules listed in the terms and conditions. Respect for your terms and conditions will ensure that everyone enjoys and appreciates the benefits of the products.
You must get SERIOUS about taking action against dishonest resellers who violate your Resell Rights terms and conditions. Protect the quality of your product and protect other resellers at the same time. This is thee RESPONSIBILITY that comes with being a Resell Rights product author!
- Allow your resellers to resell your product ONLY in electronic/digital version.
If your reseller’s customer receives the printed version of the product, it will be impossible for the customer to resell it without losing it. Furthermore, if your product is conveyed with Master Resell Rights, your reseller’s customer should also have the Master Resell Rights and an electronic copy of the product.
In your Resell Rights terms and conditions, remind your customers that they can resell your product and keep 100% of the money without having to pay you a single cent.
- State in your Resell Rights terms and conditions that your resellers are NOT allowed to use SPAM to resell your product.
State in your Resell Rights terms and conditions that your product is NOT to be given away for free.
A few exceptions would be if you condone adding your product to a particular paid membership site, allow it to be given as a bonus to another product the reseller is selling, or allow bundling into a paid package.
Typically - once your product is free for give away, it may defeat the purpose of having an income opportunity for your resellers. If you're really going to allow giveaways, you may as well give your product away for free or should convey give away rights instead of Master Resell Rights.
If you are selling your product with Master Resell Rights conveyed, state in your Resell Rights terms and conditions that your customers cannot resell the product and the Master Resell Rights separately as the rights already come as a bonus to your product
The selling point here is that your customers don’tneed to purchase the rights separately from the product.
If you do happen to choose to create your own resell rights products, these tips should help you on the topic of 'how to resell' :
Writing an e-Book for the purpose of re-selling is a great idea because its digital format is one of the easiest to distribute online and is common in the Internet Marketplace. Most people will be able to use the e-Book right away, providing that you use common software that a large bulk of internet users are sure to have on their computer.
You can easily embed your e-Book with affiliate links. These links can be arranged so that your resellers can also have back-end profits.
- Recommend products or services you own or that you are affiliated with. Place these recommendations in your own digital product. In this, you'll be promoting yourself and your interests as well as giving your customers products or services that they will likely need for their internet marketing business.
Where possible, don’t paint them as advertisements - make them part of the wording in your e-Zines, Newsletters, update emails, etc., because people, in general are not reading advertisements that blatantly look like advertisements.
People buy digital products to gain useful information. They are looking for solutions to solve problems. They are looking for benefits and are also looking to earn money wherever possible.
Keep these things in mind when you are recommending 'further solutions.' You want to help your customers achieve their goals and avoid obstacles.
For example, if you sell an information product that shows or explains how to use autoresponders, you can recommend an autoresponder service or software that you use, that you own, or that you're affiliated with. Your customer won’t mind. In fact, they'll appreciate your recommendation and will likely use your recommended product to get started with in business online.
- Include any affiliate links that are relevant to the topic of your digital product
Since you will leverage your marketing efforts on an army of resellers, it won’t be long until your name, status and affiliate links become viral - gaining exposure for you AT NO EXPENSE to you! You can earn back-end income from your reseller’s customers.
But be careful not too overshadow your digital product with too many affiliate links. If you do, not only will your customers become annoyed with all your 'promotion of self' - they'll likely also become unwilling to resell your original product - thinking that you're just using them completely in order to gain with a confusing myriad of affiliate programs!
- Produce quality information within your product that meets the demands of your target market
Remember that if there is no demand for your product, it is pointless to sell it in the first place.
If you have difficulties in creating your own digi-product, you can create your product with the help of business associates or you can interview an expert in the subject to gain more information.
You can either do this as a Joint Venture effort - or reward your interviewee the Resell Rights to your product once you've finished creating it.
- Price your product reasonably
A price 'too low' is as awful as a price 'too high,' so beware of pricing and don't slide too far either way. Set a price 'too low' and people will wonder if your product is 'garbage' and you're tryin' to 'panic-sell' with a dirt cheap price in order to maintain any sales at all with the product. Set a price 'too high' and the obvious will happen - nobody will buy.
To add more value to your digital product, you can package in other peoples' products (that you have the resell rights too, of course) - or give away as a bonus in yourproduct as long as the products are complimentary toyour primary product.
You can put your name into your product’s title to receive more exposure and an expert status in a short time.
For instance, your product can be entitled “Johnny-Boy's Oriental Cooking Secrets”. Since your resellers will be reselling this product after you and cannot alter the contents of your product, you get free exposure! At no expense - just for putting your name in the right place!
- Create a back-end income opportunity for your resellers
In the early years of the Resell Rights mania, products with Resell Rights were created only to benefit their authors. Things have changed A LOT in a short time - and today - resellers are wiser in their choices of how they promote Resell Rights products. Give your resellers a chance to earn beyond the up front sales.
Search for quality products or services under your topic with an affiliate program for you to join. The aim is for your product to convey good solutions to customers (who are likely going to be - not just 'consumers' - but 'resellers'). Put out helpful resources that will help solve your customers' problems - resources that benefit your customers. Make sure you are offering your customers quality products and services rather than items that simply have an affiliate program to help YOU OUT! Customers will be able to tell, after a while - if you're just trying to get ahead at their expense. Good resellers ALWAYS provide GOOD PRODUCTS.
*last tip
If you are creating an e-Book, set your paper size to “letter” size instead of A4 size, especially if your customers are mainly Americans.
Reasons why becoming a resell rights author is not always a wonderful experience:
- Creating your own quality product demands a great deal of time and expertise on your part which you may or may not have in abundance.
If your product is of poor quality, your product might be hard to sell and resellers might not want to resell your product.
- You need to be able to write a persuasive salesletter for you and your resellers to use. Sometimes, while many people are good at the rest of the 'authorship' and creating process, they are not very good at the salesletter part of the deal.
Writing a powerful sales letter (with a conversion rate of 1% or more) is not easy! If you don’t have a natural flair for writing, you will do well to consider hiring a top-notch copywriter to get this important task out of the way for you. The saleslatter is a crucial piece of your product because once your resellers already have your original salesletter, you cannot back up or hinder THEIR sales process or re-call your salesletter in order to improve it.
- You need to create your Reseller Materials Pack, which includes quite a few important components such as advertisements, follow-up letters and images for your resellers to use.
Remember - many of your resellers will be newbies - quite inexperienced in the world of internet marketing, so...
...If you don’t reduce the work that your resellers have to do - either they aren't going to get started at all - or they will often do things the wrong way!
Selling Resell Rights can be more profitable than buying Resell Rights products and quickly setting up an online business.
Hundreds of THOUSANDS of people are looking to start up their own online businesses every day - and a heavy portion of those will be trying to get ahead with internet marketing. In short, hundreds of thousands of new marketers will be looking for exactly what you can give them - Resell Rights - to get started with their online business!
You'll actually be helping these new marketers in a great way. It's a win-win deal!
• If you convey Basic or Master Resell Rights to your product, you can leverage your marketing efforts on an army of resellers to sell your product to a wider audience, spreading your name and status at no expenseon your part.
• While your resellers get to keep all the profits from up-front sales, you can count on their customers to be YOUR customers as you can embed your product with your affiliate links.
• You get to charge resellers customization fee if they want to rebrand certain parts of your product with their own affiliate links to enjoy back-end profits from the same customers.
This is an attractive back-end profit center for you as a Resell Rights product author. In this, upon the release of your product, you have TWO appealing target markets: a niche market - PLUS - the 'resellers' market!
• Resellers are usually more motivated than affiliates because resellers have invested some money into purchasing products with resell rights.
Thus you leverage your marketing efforts on a quality group of marketers.
There are good marketing methods that can make you alot of money and there are bad ones, these are the BAD ones:
• Don’t waste your money and time on Free-For-All(FFA) pages in your pursuit of marketing your product
FFA pages are so regular and ordinary that not many people read FFA pages anymore. Also, your link on an FFA page only shows (displays) for only a few minutes most of the time. FFA pages are definitely set up to benefit its operators.
• Be very careful if you're buyin 'guaranteed traffic'
Quite simply, guaranteed traffic providers typically bring you traffic by popping up your web page in another window on other web sites. The windows containing your web site will usually sit below the current window of an Internet surfer who is looking at another web site, more easily viewed above yours. The window containing your web site is in a Pop-Under window. Your web site will then come into view when the surfer closes his current window but will probably only show, briefly, as it also closes with the main browser window. Technically, you got the traffic you asked for, however, your site has never been viewed in a prime location viewable onscreen.
• Don’t waste too much time on posting in classified adsites. There are not really many readers flocking to those kinds of sites on Internet.
Safelists aren't the great marketing method they're cut out to be, either.
With safelists, basically, you are sending your ad-e-mails to people you don’t know, but who are expecting to receive hoardes of similar mailings - while they send out their own hoardes of similar mailings. Everyone on the list will be receiving e-mails from others on the list who are also receiving hoards of plain advertising emails. Everyone who joins has agreed to this condition of basically receiving massmail where, elsewhere, this kind of mail might be considered 'spamming.' Everyone’s sending advertisements to each other but no one cares to read them because they already know the emails they are receiving are just like their own!
• Traffic Exchange programs will not work in your best favor if you set your campaign URL to your Resell Rights product’s sales letter
This is because most of the Traffic Exchange members, like yourself, are either webmasters or InternetMarketers. Members like you surf Traffic Exchange programs to earn credits so that others can visit their own site. Very likely, very few members of Traffic Exchange programs are in the mood to purchase anything through the web pages seen in Traffic Exchange programs.
Basic for resellers:
• Study your competitors who are selling the same Resell Rights product as you do.
Find out what MOST of them do to market the product. You might do well to do otherwise. Avoid “herd mentality” where and whenever possible.
• If you have a flair for writing, you can edit the principal’s sales letter, a privilege that affiliates don’t have.
You can throw in more bonuses and incentives for your prospects to purchase from you. Now-a-days, potential customers do take the trouble to do comparison-shopping before purchasing, especially if they are going to purchase a Resell Rights product.
• You can bundle a package of Resell Rights products to re-sell for a reasonable price.
Be sure that all of the products are up-to-date (not more than 2 years old) and are of the same theme.
• Create a new digital product in YOUR name. Package the Resell Rights product into your product to add value to the overall bundle.
This is possible because most Resell Rights product authors allow you to package their products so long as their Resell Rights terms and conditions state so.
• You can add your own Thank You Note and an advertisement of your own into the Reseller Materials Pack…
…if the product you are selling have Master Resell Rights, allowing your customer to resell to others and keep all the profits. This is another viral method of spreading the good word of other products or services you sell or are an affiliate of.
• Get to know the original product author
E-mail or call him. He/she can be your best friend and offer useful information to you that might not be found within his/her product. He/she might also be able to update you on his next plans that might benefit or profit you. Be an insider reseller!
• If you are just starting out, you are strongly advised to start with selling just ONE product, not abundle of 50 products.
Focus is important and crucial to your success. Give all you have on selling one product and profit from it first. You can slowly add products to your inventory later.
• Remember that they are called “products” and NOT “parcels” just to be sold to another person.
This is a common mistake on the part of the resellers. Products are to be used in full. Bear inmind that reselling them is an income opportunity.
• Don’t let the number of resellers selling the same product as you intimidate you because the truth is - not all resellers sell well or do good business - even if they have a good product in their hands.
According to an informal survey, only less than 5% of resellers are making money with it! If you are wondering what the 95% other resellers are doing, they either set up a sales page and hope someone comes by, market the product the wrong way, or do nothing with it.
• If you discover any other resellers who are violating the Resell Rights terms and conditions, it is your duty as an ethical reseller to report to the original product author so that appropriate action can be taken in order to protect all honest resellers.
Summing it all up
There you have it - you now have the advice and knowledge necessary to start your own internet business through buying resell rights to someone else’s product.
Before I move on - I want to re-assert one more bit of advice...
Use PPC Advertising!!
Pay Per Click advertising is the fastest and easiest way to start driving traffic to your website. The best part of PPC Advertising is - you only pay when someone clicks on your ad.
There are many great ways to start driving traffic to your website and gain sales - many of which have already been mentioned, however, many marketers agree that the absolute easiest and quickest way to drive traffic to your products and sell your products is through PPC Advertising.
As popular as resell rights products are, it is actually not always that easy to find them - especially really good quality products that are worth re-distributing to a wide consumer market.
• Exclusive Resell Rights membership sites
A good way to source for quality products with great demand is to purchase a yearly (or even lifetime!) access to membership websites dedicated to resale rights. These membership sites offer products such as e-Books, software, templates, and audio/video withResell Rights.
• Look for Resell Rights membership sites, where the webmaster is updating and adding products regularly.
Best case scenario is a knowledgeable webmaster who keeps up on his homework and who has a good connection to other product creators. Some membership site owners gain information on certain products before 'launch day' even arrives! Somerecommended membership sites that are dedicated toproviding quality Resell Rights products on a consistent basis are and DigitalResale Rights Club.
Also, if you would like to get Private Label Rights many great products, as well as promotional materials, visit: PLR Wholesalers .com
• Don’t purchase a product with Resell Rights if the product is greatly outdated
Chances are that the product is either over-saturated on the Internet, devalued over time or its contents did not survive the test of time. (Especially true if the product contains a lot of time-sensitive information).
• Be careful when buying packages of resell rights products that sell for only $27 or $47
In most cases, the bundled packages are really worth just that amount. If the product and its resell rights are too cheap to be true, this is often because either the product is already old, over-saturated on the Internet - or devalued due to low prices offered by other resellers on the Internet.
• Consider purchasing “$47 only” packaged products with Resell Rights only if you want to give them away for free
Buy these sorts of packages only if you want to give them as a bonus to another product you are selling, or if you wish to bundle them into packages where you can add value to your other items and sell those at a higher price.
• The definition of old in Resell Rights business is commonly - “more than 2 years old”
In other words, when sourcing for products with Resell Rights, make sure that the product is freshly made this year or just the year before.
• Choose quality products with Resell Rights that have limited competition
If the product is rather new, you have a good chance of gaining a head start in the market. Use your street and business smarts to stay on the inside of every investment by networking with influential Internet Entrepreneurs. People like these may often be able to update you early as to products, trends - and even include you in their coming product launches. As the saying goes from CNNnews, “be the first to know”!
• What kind of people are buying resell rights?
If the product author sells to customers that don’t have really great marketing power, this can be your good luck as a a super reseller - to leverage on your own connections, Joint Venture partner’s efforts, and more, to beat other resellers in earning from a worldwide audience!
• Choose quality products with Resell Rights that have attractive back-end income opportunity
This will enable you to earn from repeat customers. If possible, choose a product that allows you to earn recurring income from back-end sales. Interestingly enough, in the first three years of the Resell Rights mania, products with Resell Rights were created with the aim to benefit mainly their authors.
• Be sure that the Resell Rights product has a persuasive sales letter
If the sales letter is not convincing, it won’t sell no matter how good the product is. The best litmus-test is to read the sales letter yourself. If itdoesn’t persuade you, it won’t persuade yourcustomers, either. If you've received a somewhat ineffective sales letter with a purchase, make sure you re-write it if your purchase agreement allows (most WILL - remember you've probably bought all rights to use the package).
• Most effective Resell Right product sales letters have quality testimonials or endorsements
It is obvious that a majority of sales letters for Resell Right products don’t have testimonials, which is often very risky on the part of the reseller. If the principal’s sales letter doesn’t have any endorsements, either you will have to collect them yourself (which can be effort and time consuming) or simply source for other products that fit this criteria.
NOTE: If you are buying Private Label Rights, having no testimonial is ok.
• Be sure that the original product author equips you well with the Reseller Materials Pack
This is a compulsory responsibility of the product author to you if he wants to convey the Master/BasicResell Rights to you. The Reseller Materials Pack should consist of the sales letter, images, thank you page, and often - follow-up letters. If the product author doesn’t provide you the necessities or even the Reseller Materials Pack, you may as well source for other products because - not having your Reseller Materials Pack in a complete state often means more unnecessary work on your part. The setting up work can be taxing - thus defeats thepurpose of becoming a reseller.
• Study whether there is a demand for the Resell Rights products you are contemplating buyin for the purpose of re-selling
If there is no or hardly any demand for your products on the Internet, it might be pointless to try and resell them.
• Make sure to read all the terms and conditions before buying resell rights to a product
Here are a few things to look out for in the resellright terms and conditions:
• What is the minimum/maximum price cap for the product?
• Can the product be given away for free or as a bonus to another product you are selling?
• Can the product be sold or not - at auction sites such a seBay?
• Can the product be sold in printed version?
Conduct a quick background check on the product author’s credibility by typing his or her name into the Google Search Engine.
This is crucial because - if the author has a bad reputationon the Internet, it will be very difficult to resell products made by him or her.
Be sure that the Resell Rights product has a moneyback guarantee policy...unless it is a Private Label Rights product.
High-quality products usually have 90-day money back guarantee. In case you discover that the product is not for you or you fail to make any sale in the first 90days, you still have a chance to get your investment refunded.
• Use the search engines to look for products withResell Rights
Use these keywords when searching: “resell”,“resale”, “reprint”, “private label”, “give away”, and“rebrand”
Contact the product authors by mail or phone to ask if they are willing to talk about the possibility of selling you the rights to their product.
This is a great method especially if the author does not actively sell the rights to his product and to make sure that the product is appealing to a niche market in demand that the author knows about.
Also, you may want to contact or learn how the product author deals with resellers who violate the Resell Rights terms and conditions.
This is quite importan because - if the product author has little or no interest in defending his resellers or even his own product from unscrupulous resellers, you shouldn’t be interested in reselling his product, either.
You can source for Resell Rights products at aspecial discount or offer by becoming a member at the Warrior’s Forum at
The forum is frequented by Internet Marketers, some of whom are experts and Top Internet Entrepreneurs. Quality products with Resell Rights can be found and obtained at a good bargain prices in the Warrior’s Special Offer section.
On top of buying resell rights products - then selling them on your own website, there are other ways you can utilize your rights to almost any particular, single product - in order to feed your online business so that it grows into something successful.
When you buy resell rights to a product you can:
• Build an opt-in list
Resell Rights products can be given away as incentives for visitors who subscribe to your e-Zine or other services. Simply set up a small sales page that offers a free e-book in exchange for peoples' email addresses and names.
• Add Resell Rights items to your e-Zine on a regular basis
Adding products with Resell Rights with similar themes as your e-Zine or Newsletter will encourage readers and subscribers to look forward to every one of your email messages.
• Increase your web site traffic
Offering Resell Rights products with Give Away rights in membership sites, if you develop one of those - draws targetted traffic in HUGE AMOUNTS - in masses. You can advertise through the blog on your site. A well executed campaign through your blog is one of the best ways to generate a swarm of traffic, sales, and profit out of your site!
• Create an infinite amount of keyword-specific 'doorway pages' using the E-books, software, audio, and videos that you acquire that come with Resell Rights.
Point these pages to your main site and your traffic explode!
• Earn 100% from up-front sales of the Resell Rights products
This is the most attractive part about digital products that come with Resell Rights. As a reseller, you get to resell the products while keeping all the profits.
• Earn extra money from back-end sales from the same Resell Rights products sold to the same customers
This can be possibly done by customizing the product by their original author. In this, you'll have your affiliate links embedded into other affiliate programs, preferably 2-tier or more.
• Use them for your own personal development and for building your wealth of knowledge
As I said before, starting your own online business by buying resell rights is the simplest, quickest and easiest way to start an online business. If this is your first time making money online, you will learn a great deal from trying to sell and market the product you bought the resell rights to.
• Increase your sales by offering products with Resell Rights as added bonuses on your sales letter
Throwing in more bonuses without stealing the focus from your primary product in your sales letter is a great way for prospects to continue to purchase from YOU - as opposed to other Internet Business owners or even other resellers for that matter.
• Add value or surprise bonuses in your Thank You page
This is a good tactic to build trust, rapport and credibility on your part. Additionally, your new customers will feel that they have made the wisest choices by staying true to you and purchasing from you. For all you know, they'll likely encourage their friends to buy from you instead of from other marketers - simply because of the unannounced bonuses and the great deals you supply!
• Use products with Resell Rights in your after-sale, follow-up messages to bring repeat customers to your Internet Business
Since your customer trusted you enough to buy from you the first time, why shouldn’t he or she continue to do so? If your customer is pleased with your first product or recommendation, that customer will definitely look forward to your future products and recommendations.
• Create your own information product with Resell Rights products to be included in your package to sell along with your purchased Resell Rights items.
You can provide cross-references to other subjects that your product may not be able to cover in detail - as part of the package in your product. You can also provide tools and software which you have the Resell Rights to in your product or package. This will save your customer the time, effort and money sourcing and purchasing them ala carte.
• Create your own free or paid membership website
This is a powerful, powerful - did I say POWERFUL? - method used by experienced and successful Internet Marketers - to build their own base of responsive and quality members. You can build a membership site, too - and offer multiple products that members can access all the time. You'll save your customers the time, effort and money of looking all over the net for quality products. In addition, while your customers are paying a small monthly or yearly membership fee, this secures your income somewhat, knowing that membership fees will be going to your account rather than just 'sales' profits.
If you can imagine it - with these kinds of resellable products, you can probably implement it to turn your Resale Rights Business into a success and earn a very worthy income!
I have a wide range of interests from writing and blogging to researching on the topic of poverty. I study urban mythology and like to observe how the world works via the way people interact with each other.