Sunday, September 9, 2007

Drop me a Line

My new website should be functional by September 15, but if you need to contact me before then, drop me a line through the Yuwie Social Site.

Just log in, look for 'teeray' and send me a message. I'll respond as soon as possible.

If you're not a member at Yuwie yet, don't worry, membership is FREE. The site is really easy to get around in, and sending messages is a simple task, as well. If you can manage emails, you'll have no troubles sending messages through the Yuwie site.

Yuwie also pays members for interacting at the site, so it's more than just a site for messaging friends. It's a great place to network, learn about online business, and BEST OF ALL, it's NEW - with New members who are all working to help each other out and earn money.

Check it out - send me a message!